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The Publications students produce a 200+ page yearbook, an online newspaper, and a full-color magazine featuring student-produced fiction, poetry, artwork and photography. They develop themes, come up with story ideas, do all the writing and editing, take the pictures, and promote and sell the final product. Each of the publications is truly student produced.

Yearbook, Newspaper, Photojournalism and Literary Magazine are year-long classes in which the students produce a publication. They learn how to work together, how to develop and design publications, and how to market and sell those publications. Yearbook and Newspaper are tech credits, PhotoJ and LitMag are elective.

Journalism 1 is an introductory class from which qualified students are chosen to be on the publications' staffs.

The Colt Corral yearbook has a long and distinguished history dating back to the 1940s. Our yearbook is student produced and includes classes, sports, clubs and organizations, events, faculty and staff. The year book is a wonderful way to enjoy those cherished memories.
Order your Colt Corral yearbook online:

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The Colt is the student-produced newspaper for Arlington High. The staff covers happenings in school and in聽the Arlington High community. The Colt online聽is updated weekly with current events, sports scores, entertainment and photos.聽There will be one print newspaper in May that will be a keepsake senior edition.

Click for the online newspaper:

In the Margins, the literary magazine of Arlington High, features fiction, poetry, artwork and photography from students, faculty and alumni. The staff collects submissions, chooses the pieces for the magazine, designs the pages, raises funds,markets and sells the magazine.

If you are interested in submitting something or monetarily supporting In the Margins, please email us at