Your child is unique and talented. But how do you know if a dual language academy is right for them?
If your child loves to visit the library and shows an interest in other people, a dual language program might be just right for them.
Wimbish World Language Academy offers your child everything they need to explore their creative gifts and talents.
Wimbish World Language Academy is ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV’s first and only dual language academy that offers both Spanish and French tracks.
A Wimbish World Language Academy education features:
- Students fully immersed in a dual-language 50/50 program in French or Spanish
- Language Arts and Social Studies taught in English and Math and Science in Spanish or French
- Foreign language electives starting in second grade with a choice of French, Spanish or Mandarin
A dual language education at Wimbish World Language Academy offers so many student benefits:
- Students become bilingual and bi-literate by the end of sixth grade
- Cultural awareness is built as students participate in multicultural experiences
- Students are prepared to navigate an increasingly diverse community and global market
How to launch your child’s dual language education:
Step 1
Identify if dual language is right for your child.
Step 2
Apply for Wimbish World Language Academy during the application window.
Step 3
Watch your student thrive.
We understand that the choice to give your child a unique education is a big one.
At Wimbish World Language Academy, they will receive all the benefits of the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV whole-child education plus the opportunity to nurture their passions and develop mastery in two languages.
ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV dual language students have exciting futures ahead.
A LabelFrancÉducation school, one of only 55 in the United States, awarded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Regardless of what career they choose, a dual language education will benefit your child for the rest of their lives.
There's nothing more valuable than teaching your student to love their education.
Your child has an incredible path ahead.
A Wimbish Academy education will provide them
opportunities to change the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is unique about wimbish World language academy?
What languages will my child learn?
How and when can I apply?
What grades are accepted into this program?
How do I know if I was accepted and when will I find out?
Is it free?
Is there transportation?
Transportation is not available for out-of-district students.