AISD moves technology out of Hutcheson before demolition
June 16, 2015 – The AISD is moving all the technology in Hutcheson Junior High out before the building is torn down.
Members of the AISD technical support department worked last week to box up all computers and technology to get them ready to move. Any items that are over five years old will be sent to a central location for salvage. The rest will be moved to Workman Junior High.
Hutcheson students and teachers are consolidating with Workman Junior High next year at the Workman campus. The Hutcheson building, first opened in 1963, will be torn down to make way for a new districtwide Career and Technical Center, which will house state-of-the-art career courses and programs for students from all of Arlington’s high schools. ()
The technical support team has an organized system for boxing the computers, including instructions for set up at their future locations. The boxes are marked with a “T” for teacher or “S” for student, depending on who uses the machine in the box. They are also marked with the room number in Hutcheson from which they are moving. Their future room numbers at Workman have not yet been determined.
The technical support team has a busy summer moving technology within the district to support changes and improvements called for in the 2014 Bond package. In addition to moving Hutcheson’s technology to Workman, the team will also move Ferguson Junior High’s technology to Ousley Junior High and shift technology from the previous Newcomer Center and Venture High School campuses to their new location at the Ferguson Education Center.