AISD superintendent gives update on the district

Dr. Cavazos addresses AISD staff

Jan. 29, 2016 - Dr. Marcelo Cavazos, AISD superintendent, held two meetings yesterday for AISD administration staff to update them on the district’s strategic plan, the 2014 Bond program and other initiatives.

The AISD is adopting a new strategic plan, he explained, that builds on the previous one. Still called Achieve Today. Excel Tomorrow., the plan will apply for five years, 2016-2021, and is intentionally student-centered. It includes an updated vision and one comprehensive goal:

Vision: The AISD will be a premier school district and a leader in education.
Goal: 100% of AISD students will graduate exceptionally prepared for college, career and citizenship.

[ for more information on the AISD strategic plan.]

Dr. Cavazos also highlighted several of the ongoing bond facility projects, including the , the two , the addition at Workman Junior High and the new under construction at each of the district’s six high schools. He also said that by this summer, 44 campuses will have bond-related work underway.

[ for an update on bond-related construction.]

“I’m really proud of the work we’re doing together,” said Dr. Cavazos as he thanked the staff for all their efforts. He also emphasized throughout the presentation that everything the district does is about the students. It’s about providing access to opportunities for each and every student, providing an excellent education that exceeds minimum standards, and innovating in ways that offer new and unique educational opportunities for students. “Their success means our success as a community,” he said.