Board approves bond construction for Martin HS, Boles JH, Miller and Little Elementaries

Martin High School

May 20, 2016 – The AISD Board of Trustees approved the guaranteed maximum price for two Bond 2014 packages at last night’s board meeting. Now the district will proceed with construction of bond work at Boles Junior High, Martin High School, Miller Elementary and Little Elementary.


In the first approved package, a project from the bond program’s , construction at Boles Junior High will begin this summer. The AISD construction team has worked closely with the Boles principal, the AISD special education department and senior administration to assess the existing facility and determine the most efficient and cost effective means to include all campus improvements identified in the original facility needs assessment.

The project plans call for five special education classrooms and a new clinic to be incorporated within the existing building near the office and main entry. In addition, two special education pull-out classrooms, a choir room and a foreign language lab will be created within existing spaces. The classrooms displaced by the new rooms will be added back in the form of a five classrooms addition to the southwest corner of the existing building. The addition will include three classrooms for CTHEI (Career, Technical and Higher Education Investigations) classes and two laboratories, one for art and one for computer.

The classroom addition will be done first, starting this summer, with an expected completion date in December 2016. Then the renovations to the interior classrooms will begin, with an expected completion in May 2017. The project has been designed by Stantec Architects and will be completed by Pogue Construction.

The second approved package, from of the bond, includes work at Martin High School, Miller Elementary and Little Elementary. The AISD construction team has worked closely with the schools’ principals, various AISD departments and senior administration to assess the existing facilities and determine the most efficient and cost effective means to incorporate all necessary campus improvements and determine the best value for the district.

Improvements for all three campuses include roof replacements, mechanical and electrical upgrades and parking lot improvements. In addition to their deficiency improvements, the two elementary schools will each receive two new STEM labs, a strings room and a security vestibule. Martin High School will receive upgrades to career tech and fine arts spaces, including the auditorium, in addition to the deficiency improvements.

[Click on the name of the school for a more detailed list of the deficiency upgrades at each campus: Martin, Miller, Little.]

The renovations and improvements will begin this summer, with substantial completion expected in August 2017. The project has been designed by HKS Architects and will be completed by Balfour Beatty Construction.