June 2016 bond technology update

Student uses iPad in Wood Elementary library

Bond 2014 money is helping transform the AISD technologically, dramatically increasing access to technology for students and teachers throughout the district. Below is an update on bond technology projects that are complete, work that is ongoing and projects yet to come:

ï‚Ÿ Library carts
Fifty-three elementary school libraries received a cart of either iPad Minis or Chromebooks. Each cart contains 15 devices.

ï‚Ÿ Internet bandwidth increased by 200 percent

ï‚Ÿ New districtwide voicemail system

ï‚Ÿ Journalism technology equipment
Each AISD traditional high school received new DSLR cameras, lenses and MacBook laptops for their journalism, newspaper and yearbook programs.

ï‚Ÿ Six new copy machines
The new machines went to administrative offices, saving the district almost $50,000 in maintenance costs on the old copiers.

ï‚Ÿ Classroom Technology Standards
The AISD technology department developed technology standards for all classrooms and is currently busy implementing them. These standards fall into three categories: A/V, teacher computers and devices for students. [Read about the standards.]
- A/V: 36 of 73 campuses complete
- Teacher computers: 44 of 73 campuses complete
- Student devices (one cart for every two classrooms; each cart contains 22-30 devices): 33 of 73 campuses complete
The AISD instructional technology department is providing training and support for teachers so they are equipped to use their new technology resources. [Read more about the training.]

ï‚Ÿ Network and wireless enhancements
Each campus is receiving wireless infrastructure enhancements to improve wireless capacity, speed and stability. [Read more about the upgrades.]
- 18 campuses complete (19 more scheduled for completion in 2016)
- The AISD technology department is also running cable for new security cameras when it installs the wireless upgrades at each campus.

ï‚Ÿ PA system upgrades
- 36 campuses complete

ï‚Ÿ Transformation Through Innovation Grant
The AISD instructional technology department awards grants (totaling nearly $1 million in each of five years) to schools and teachers for their proposals to use technology to foster innovative learning in the classroom.
- 74 grants awarded:
2013-2014 – 12 grants
2014-2015 – 28 grants
2015-2016 – 34 grants

[Read how several grants have been implemented: Moore Elementary, Shackelford Junior High, Martin High School]

ï‚Ÿ Digital signage at each campus
The pilot for this project has begun – at Sherrod Elementary and Carter Junior High, where the devices are up and running – but full implementation will begin in Phase III of the bond program.

ï‚Ÿ Video communication system ()