Citizen oversight committee meets to review bond progress

AHS MAC exterior

Aug. 9, 2016 - The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee met yesterday for its quarterly review of the status and progress of the 2014 Bond program. Led by AISD Chief Financial Officer Cindy Powell, AISD staff gave updates on the various areas of the bond: fine arts; safety, security and technology; transportation; and facilities.

The meeting was held in the brand new bond-funded Multi-purpose Activity Center at Arlington High School. Nearing completion, the state-of-the-art facility features a 60-yard turf field, locker rooms and a 7,500 square-foot weight room. Each AISD traditional high school has a MAC under construction, and all will be completed between August and October.

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The CBOC will present a report of its findings for the AISD Board of Directors at the upcoming board meeting on August 18. (.)
