AISD announces location and architect for districtwide fine arts center
ARLINGTON, Texas, March 23, 2017 – The AISD fine arts center, along with a districtwide athletics complex, will be built on property near Division and Collins, the former site of the Eastern Star Home. The property was acquired by the district in December and will place both facilities in the Arlington Entertainment District.
“We are excited to locate these two facilities in the heart of the entertainment district,” Board President Jamie Sullins said. “This location allows tremendous potential for partnerships that will benefit our students and provide them a truly outstanding education that will prepare them for the college or career of their choice.”
The fine arts center will include a 1,250-seat concert hall, a 425-seat theater, classroom space, art and dance studios, an instrument repair center, and gallery space. It will serve the entire district, grades pre-K through 12.
“The fine arts center is a hallmark of our 2014 bond program and will provide our students with a premier performance venue and exceptional opportunities to take innovative courses, such as UNT dual-credit music, for years to come,” Superintendent Dr. Marcelo Cavazos said. “This facility will bring the best design elements of both professional venues and K-12 spaces together to create a world-class facility for our students and staff.”
The ɫTV Board of Trustees today selected HKS Architects to design the fine arts center based on the depth of their relevant experience, proposed design team, references and design approach. One of HKS’ partners in the design work is iD!BRi, a firm with strong acoustical experience that has worked on the Meyerson Symphony Center and the New World Center in Miami Beach.