AISD hosts pre-proposal conference for architectural services

Pre-propsal conference for architectural services

March 21, 2017 - The AISD hosted a pre-proposal conference this morning for architectural services for Phase IV bond projects. The district is receiving competitive sealed proposals until March 30 at 10 a.m.

During the meeting, Cindy Powell, AISD chief financial officer, Kelly Horn, AISD executive director of Facility Services, Javier Fernandez, AISD director of facility planning and construction, and Tammy Craig, AISD director of purchasing, gave an overview of the 2014 Bond program and the projects included in Phase IV, reviewed the requirements for proposals, and answered questions.

Phase IV projects contain approximately $60.4 million worth of construction and include renovations and lifecycle/deficiency upgrades at 11 campus and the construction of a new athletics complex. The athletics complex will include a natatorium and spaces for wrestling and gymnastics.

Questions should be submitted in writing to Tammy Craig ( by March 23. Proposals are due to the AISD purchasing department no later than March 30 at 10 a.m.

For proposal requirements, please see the RFQ (17-72 ) at the AISD .

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