AISD hosts open houses at new Multipurpose Activity Centers

March 29, 2017
Sam Houston MAC

March 29, 2017 – The new Multipurpose Activity Centers – one at each of the AISD’s six traditional high schools – are all officially open. They celebrated with open houses last week to give the community a chance to see the impressive new facilities. “We are excited about the MAC,” said Arlington Principal Shahveer Dhalla.…

AISD announces location and architect for districtwide fine arts center

March 23, 2017
Artist concept of the future Fine Arts Center

ARLINGTON, Texas, March 23, 2017 – The AISD fine arts center, along with a districtwide athletics complex, will be built on property near Division and Collins, the former site of the Eastern Star Home. The property was acquired by the district in December and will place both facilities in the Arlington Entertainment District. “We are…

AISD hosts pre-proposal conference for architectural services

March 21, 2017
Pre-propsal conference for architectural services

March 21, 2017 – The AISD hosted a pre-proposal conference this morning for architectural services for Phase IV bond projects. The district is receiving competitive sealed proposals until March 30 at 10 a.m. During the meeting, Cindy Powell, AISD chief financial officer, Kelly Horn, AISD executive director of Facility Services, Javier Fernandez, AISD director of…

Bids for construction work at Gunn JH; Key and Short Elementaries due March 15

March 1, 2017
Gunn Junior High

Pogue Construction will receive bids for bond-funded construction at ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV’s Gunn Junior High, Key Elementary and Short Elementary until Wednesday, March 15, 2017, at 2 p.m. About this project At Gunn, the project consists of general renovation construction, including mechanical and electrical. At Key and Short, the project includes renovations to add two STEM labs…

Bond construction underway at Burgin Elementary

March 1, 2017
Burgin Construction

March 1, 2017 – School improvements for Burgin Elementary, funded by the 2014 Bond program, began in February. The work at Burgin will be done in two separate stages. The first, which is underway now, includes adding two STEM labs and a strings room and enlarging the security vestibule. To make the two STEM labs,…

Bond construction begins at Beckham Elementary

March 1, 2017
Beckham construction

March 1, 2017 – School improvements for Beckham Elementary, funded by the 2014 Bond program, began in late February. The work at Beckham will be done in two separate stages. The first, which is underway now, includes adding two STEM labs and a strings room and enlarging the security vestibule. To make the two STEM…

Bond-funded vehicles help AISD transport homeless students to school

February 20, 2017
AISD Suburban

New vehicles funded by the 2014 Bond program are helping the AISD transportation department serve an unfortunately growing population – students dealing with homelessness or unstable housing situations. The AISD is dedicated to getting these students to school regardless of where they may be living. Known as FIT, the Families in Transition program stems from…

Bond construction underway at Ashworth Elementary

February 17, 2017
Construction at Ashworth

Feb. 17, 2017 – School improvements for Ashworth Elementary, funded by the 2014 Bond program, are underway. The work at Ashworth will be done in two separate stages. The first stage, which started with demolition this week, is to enlarge the security vestibule, add two STEM labs and improve the strings room. To make the…

Bond construction begins at Pearcy Elementary

February 17, 2017
Pearcy construction

Feb. 17, 2017 – School improvements for Pearcy Elementary, funded by the 2014 Bond program, are underway. The work at Pearcy will be done in two separate stages. The first stage, which started with demolition this week, is to enlarge the security vestibule, add two STEM labs and improve the strings room. To make the…

Bond helps mariachi program thrive at Sam Houston High School

February 15, 2017
Sam Houston mariachi

March 2017  – When most people think of the AISD’s bond program, they think of dollars, budgets and new facilities. But for Sam Houston High School students Crystal S. and Daisy H., the bond program means a guitarrón, a vihuela and a passion for music that has blossomed in high school. “We’re really lucky to…