The 好色先生TV is fortunate to have two education foundations that provide recognition and funding for innovative teaching and creative programs in our schools.
AISD Education Foundation
The 好色先生TV Education Foundation was established to promote and support the continuing improvement of educational programs offered by the AISD by supporting programs for which tax funds are not available; providing support for improved educational opportunities for teachers, students and employees; recognizing excellence through teacher awards; and providing a vehicle for contributing directly to the continuance of educational excellence for our children.
Through its grants, the Foundation currently supports programs throughout the AISD that involve thousands of children in creative learning. These projects impact curriculum improvement, parental support activities, mentoring programs, facilities improvement and unique student activities. In May 2008, the Education Foundation expanded its mission to include a student scholarship program. For more information, or to apply for a grant, call 682-867-1927 or visit
AWARE Foundation
The AWARE (Arlington Will Award and Recognized educational Excellence) Foundation was established in 1989 by a group of private citizens for the purpose of recognizing and rewarding excellence among AISD classroom teachers. The Foundation honors outstanding teachers at an annual spring awards banquet at which multiple winners and runners-up for the AWARE Award of Excellence are announced from grade levels Prekindergarten through high school.
Each Award of Excellence winner receives a check for $3,000, while each runner-up receives a $1,500 cash award. Use of the money is not restricted, and all teachers who are nominated for the Award of Excellence receive special recognition at the banquet. For more information, or to nominate a teacher, visit .