It’s Summer!
By Dr. Steven Wurtz
Summer is upon us! This month, the final school bell rings and the doors fly open sending our students out into the sunshine eagerly anticipating free time, the chance to engage in personal interests and the future start of a new school year. As professionals, this time will also offer many of us similar opportunities. Some will take the chance to be with family and friends while others may even travel expanding their worldview and experience with new cultures. Regardless ...
Summer learning offers options for everyone, pre-K-12 Apply for summer school May 3-14
While the 2020-21 school year is wrapping up in May, the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV still wants to take students new places ...
Making Virtual Learning Fun
While transitioning to a virtual learning environment was unexpected and the timing of it a bit accelerated, the reality is ...
The Gift of Goodness
We live in a unique time. Never before has the world been so small and accessible. People from distant lands ...
Checking in On Our Kids’ Hearts
Recently, I read a quote that stopped me in my tracks. The quote was posted on a small road sign ...
Grades: Getting to the Heart of It
Grades. Where do they come from? Why have they played such a prominent role in the American education system? All ...
Leading in Uncertain Times
Never could we have imagined that the 2020-2021 school year would start the way it has. If you had asked ...