Clinic Staff
Clinic Phone: (682) 867-3400
1. Child has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher
2. Child has diarrhea or vomiting
3. Child has a rash of unknown origin
4. Child has red, runny eyes or wakes up with eyes "glued" shut
5. Child complains of ear pain with or without fever
1. Child is fever free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Advil
2. Child is free of diarrhea and vomiting for 24 hours
3. You have consulted a physician for the appropriate therapy related to his/her illness
4. Your child has been on an antibiotic for 24 hours if he/she has any type of infection
Medication Information
If the physician wants your child to take medicine at school, I must have an authorization form filled out by the doctor and parent stating how and when the medicine is to be given.
All bottles must be properly labeled with the correct medication.
Any over the counter medications kept in the clinic need a form filled out by the parents, but I do not need a doctor's note for OTC medicines.
Changes in Immunization Requirements
The State Health Services Department recently changed some vaccination requirements which will affect students entering 7th grade in the fall of 2009. Students who have attended an 好色先生TV elementary school and who do not have these vaccinations will not be allowed to register until their shot record is cleared. Students coming from outside the district are preferred to have the shots completed by registration but may be given a 30 day period in which to complete the requirements, under certain circumstance. The new rules are effective August 1, 2009. More information is available at
Meningococcal vaccine
All students entering seventh grade will be required to have received one dose.
Hepatitis A vaccine
Two doses were required for kindergartners in certain Texas counties, which did not include Tarrant. Under the new requirements, all students entering kindergarten are required to have received two doses of the vaccine.
Varicella vaccine (Chickenpox)
All students entering seventh grade will be required to have two doses of the vaccine. The requirement for the second dose can be waived with a written statement from a parent or other guardian, school nurse or doctor attesting that the child has already had the chickenpox or has immunity to the illness.
Tetanus, Diphtheria and acellular pertussis-containing vaccine (Tdap):
Any seventh-grader who has not had a tetanus containing vaccine in the past five years will be required to have a Tdap dose. A Tdap booster is required every 10 years for students going into grades 8-12. Any student with a medical condition where pertussis is not recommended can have a tetanus-diphtheria vaccine.